Unlock Mastery through Deliberate Practice

Many of my clients really want to improve their lives. To do this, they constantly read, attend workshops, learn new skills, and stay current on the latest tech advancements. The problem is that they're stuck: they struggle to incorporate this learning and achieve their goals.

Deliberate Practice can help. As defined by Bill Tihen, it’s a process to “self-assess, self-reflect, self-correct, and choose to redo until [you yourself is] satisfied”. Just like learning to play a musical instrument, one must repeatedly DO what you want to master with a critical eye until you’ve developed skill and muscle memory. The same principle applies to other improvements: be they technical, interpersonal, or even “soft” skills, practice becomes impactful when we give ourselves the space to inspect our efforts, adapt our approach based on newfound knowledge, and persist until we are genuinely satisfied with the results.

The secret sauce here is the ACTION: it helps us transcend the limits of passive learning to a space of active integration and mastery. It's not enough to accumulate knowledge; we must actively engage with it, challenge ourselves, and persistently refine our skills. Deliberate practice empowers us to bridge the gap between theory and application, turning our aspirations into tangible results.

Last thought: it can be hard to stick to a deliberate practice plan - especially when you're starting or things aren't going well. This is when a coach can help you clarify your goals, action plan, and ways to keep yourself accountable.


Shelter from the Storm