Design Thinking

A collective problem-solving methodology that uses deep customer empathy to creatively solve meaningful customer problems.

We’ve utilized Design Thinking to tackle many thorny customer challenges. Each one has resulted in a group of people that see the power of the resulting process and service innovations.

While each Design Thinking workshop is unique, the general process is: 

  1. Context Setting. What do we currently know about the problem?

  2. Problem Statement. How would we write our challenge based on what we know?

  3. User Research. Learn more by interviewing customers and users.

  4. Analysis and Synthesis. What did we learn from our interviews?

  5. Prioritization. What problem(s) should we solve?

  6. Storyboard & Iteration. What would our future solution look like?

  7. Validation. Authenticate our solutions with employees and managers. 

  8. Requirements. What would our development teams need in order to build this?